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Jap Ji Sahib Basic Course, with Parvinder Singh

Jap Ji Sahib - The Song of the Soul

Jap means to repeat, Ji means Soul. The reciting of the Jap Ji Sahib creates a deep connection to our own source of inspiration. The Jap Ji is a poem, that works with the technology of the Naad (Sound), his vibration helps to let go of stocked thought patterns, to grow spiritually and to live life with a deeper understanding of oneself. The sounds of the 40 Pauris (steps or chapters) guide us through the 8 Chakras (Energy Centers) their energies influence the Body and Mind System beautifully.

This Course's purpose is to get you into the flow of reading Japji and understand the basics of each Pauri.


This will be part of it:

  • Insight into the effect of each Pauri and its meaning

  • Exercises that help you to recite and use the Jap Ji

  • Slow word-by-word chanting

You will get the following:

  • Jap Ji learning text, to easily follow the pronunciation according to the Naad Yoga technology

  • Slow recording of each Pauri

  • To deepen your practice after the Workshop, Judith offers Morning Sadhana on Monday Mornings at Gobinde Yoga

This course is an opportunity for Kundalini Yoga Teachers and anyone interested in Mantras and their effects.

Parvinder teaches in English. No previous knowledge is necessary in order to be part of the course.

Japji Sahib, the Song of the Soul  20. /21. Mai 2023
Saturday 20th of May 16:00 - 18:00
Sunday 21st of May 09:00 - 12:00
Online participation is possible.

Parvinder Singh Khalsa from Amritsar, India started his study of Naad Yoga as an eleven-year-old. He travels around the world to share tirelessly his love and vast knowledge about the technique and healing power of Naad Yoga. In his workshops, he conveys the meaning and the correct pronunciation of the mantras associated with meditation. Parvinder's work will let you experience the effect of Naad instantly. To his students, he counts many famous mantra singers around the world.



20. Mai

Naad-Yoga Immersion: Explore the Chakra Sounds part 1

4. Juli

Naad-Yoga Immersion: Explore the Chakra Sounds part 2